" Dark Fluid " - A Unifying Theory for Dark Matter and Dark Energy by Jamies Farnes
A new model suggests Dark Matter and Dark Energy unify into a fluid with ' negative mass ' Can a simple minus sign may solve one of the longest standing problems in Physics ? These were the words of Jamie Farnes when he published his theory on The Dark Fluid and by the end of this blog, you might also think the same. Dark Energy and Dark Matter are the invisible theoretical substances that are thought to make up nearly 95% of the Universe, but their existence is only theorised, based on the effects they appear to have on the observable matter we're all familiar with. Some of the most technical and sensitive instruments ever made by humans have failed to detect any sign of the stuff after nearly 50 years of searching. But, a new theory proposed by a scientist at the University of Oxford claims to explain the missing 95 percent of the cosmos - the matter that physicists can't yet definitively account for. The solution to one of the most intractable mysterie